A cemetery is located on the grounds of the Gospel of the Kingdom Campground. Brothers and sisters who worked and labored on the campground over the years since it was established in 1935 are buried there, as well as other dear saints of the Body of Christ.
If you have a loved one buried on the campground cemetery, or if you were appointed to represent the family of the deceased in matters concerning the grave site, it is important to keep your contact information current. Please contact Brenda Fields with changes of address, phone number and/or representation.
Additionally, for your convenience, donations may be made online to the campground for maintenance of the cemetery grounds. Please visit our donations page for more information about how you can donate.
Thank you,
Gospel of the Kingdom Campground

Rules Governing The Campground Cemetery
The Campground Cemetery is for the burial and visitation purposes only. Grave side ceremonies before burial are not permitted. Any other use is prohibited without permission of the campground trustees.
Permission must be given by the campground trustees for the burial of anyone in the campground cemetery. In general, only persons who have the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues and in good standing in the Body of Christ may be buried in the campground cemetery. The signature of an active pastor, stating at the person was an active member of the church is also required.
No animals may be buried in the campground cemetery.
A stone marker or head stone must be placed at the head of the grave site, showing the deceased name. The head stone must be placed within one year from the date of burial.
Someone shall be appointed to represent the family of the deceased in matters concerning the grave site of the deceased, and the name, address, and phone number of that person must be given to the official campground trustees. If no one is appointed, the campground trustees shall act as representatives.
In case of any disputes, the decision of the campground trustees is final in ALL MATTERS concerning the campground cemetery.
The campground trustees shall appoint a cemetery caretaker. The caretaker shall be responsible for the maintenance of the cemetery. Each family of anyone buried on the campground or having a reserved plot should endeavor to pay a maintenance fee of at least $100.00 per year (per person) for the upkeep of the grounds.
The loved ones of the deceased are responsible for the care and appearance around the head stone.
Live plants, flowers, or any other objects should not be left at the grave site.
After the coffin is buried, the grave shall be filled with dirt so that it is mounded above the ground until grave has had time to settle. Then the grave will be leveled and the family should plant grass seed on the grave site.
If a party is interested in reserving a future burial plot in the cemetery, they should first receive permission from the campground trustees, and then they, along with the cemetery caretaker, may determine an adequate location.
All reserved burial locations shall be marked with a white stone, with the persons name and the word “Reserve” in red letters.
Markers should be set in-ground in order to let mower go safely over it.
For more information about the Cemetery, please contact Gospel Kingdom Church.